Virtual Bible Study
Women Growing Together in Faith is a strong, supportive group of women from across the country, meeting on Monday evenings via Zoom.
These ladies are getting ready to begin their upcoming study, digging into the book of Ephesians. This study will start on Monday, Jan. 6. from 7-8p. Invite a friend to join you!
You can join this group and start the study at anytime. Email questions to, or to get connected with this bible study.
Not familiar with using Zoom? No problem! When you sign up, someone can help guide you through the process.
Aprons Through the Years
The United Women in Faith invite all ladies to join them for a look back at aprons through the years. Clifdel Dowler will give a presentation on aprons at Cornerstone UMC on Thursday, Jan. 16 at 1p in the Zumwalt Cafe.
Activities will follow the presentation and refreshments will be provided. There's no need to sign-up for this event. If you would like more information email
Second Chance Community Dinner
Enjoy a "second chance" at tasing some of the delicious leftovers from this past season's popular Community Dinner menu on Wednesday, Jan. 15 from 5 to 6:15p. Only $5 per person!
You'll enjoy great food and we'll get to make room in our freezer. The deadline to order is Sunday, Jan. 12, 2025.
Open to the public, this event offers delicious food and friendly conversation. Carryout is also available. The best part is that you won't have to cook or clean up! Email to reserve your meal, today!
UWF Christmas Party
All are invited to join the United Women in Faith for their Christmas Party on Thursday, Dec. 19 at 1p in the Zumwalt Cafe at Cornerstone UMC. The ladies have a fun afternoon planned, which includes a “Rob Your Neighbor” gift exchange. To participate in the gift exchange, please bring a $10 gift.
Refreshments will be provided, so please sign-up to let the UWF know how many guests to plan on serving. You can sign-up at the bulletin board outside the church office, or email Please sign-up by Tuesday, Dec. 17.
Adorn the Mitten Tree
The Food Pantry is collecting hats, mittens, gloves and scarves for the Mitten Tree in the Sanctuary at Cornerstone UMC. You can bring new or gently used items and place them on the tree from now until Sunday, Dec. 15.
You can also place toys and stuffed animals under the tree for children of all ages. The families of the Food Pantry will be able to receive items they need to finish their Christmas shopping.
Thank you to those who have already started adorning the tree! These gifts are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact Terry Mendenhall or email
UMM Christmas Dinner
The United Methodist Men of Cornerstone UMC are selling tickets in the lobby to the annual Christmas Dinner scheduled for Friday, December 6 at 5p.
This evening of fun and fellowship at the church will feature a delicious dinner along with entertainment. Prizes will also be given for the best table decorations and the ugliest Christmas sweater.
Purchase your tickets by November 24. If you have questions, please email
Red Cross Blood Drive
All who are able are invited to donate blood to the American Red Cross on Friday, Nov. 29 from 9a-3p at Cornerstone UMC. The blood drive will take place in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall.
If you're interested in donating, please be sure to schedule in advance, as this helps the Red Cross plan for the number of people attending. To schedule your appointment, sign up online by going to or scan the QR code above.
Need help signing up? No problem! Contact Terry Hunter, or email for mor information or for assistance.
Order A Poinsettia
Help decorate Cornerstone UMC by ordering a poinsettia for Christmas Eve Services. This is a great way to remember a loved one this holiday season. The six inch poinsettia pots are $11 each.
You can order online at, or order at the bulletin board outside the church office. Orders and payment must be submitted by Sunday, Dec. 15. Donors may take poinsettia plants home after worship on Sunday , Dec. 29, if desired
Hanging of the Greens
The people of Cornerstone UMC will prepare our building for the season of Advent. Together, we will transform the church through the “Hanging of the Greens." All are invited to participate in this wonderful holiday experience on Monday, Nov. 25 from 10a-12p..
Come for as long as you are available. Minors are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. A light lunch will be served afterwards. Please let us know you're coming by signing up at the bulletin board outside the church office, or email
Boy Scout Food Drive
The Food Pantry needs help sorting food at the annual Boy Scout Food Drive, happening on Saturday, Nov. 23 from 10a to 4p at Cornerstone UMC in the Sanctuary.
The schedule is flexible with a morning shifting serving from 10a to 1p, followed by the afternoon shift serving from 1p to 4p. Lunch will be served to all volunteers. The menu includes hot dogs, chips, and a beverage.
The deadline to sign-up is Sunday, Nov. 10, 2024. Sign-up at the bulletin board outside the church office or email
All are invited to Game Day at Cornerstone UMC on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 11:30a in the Fellowship Hall. The United Women in Faith will be hosting this event and encourage everyone to bring games they enjoy.
The women will be serving soup and sandwiches for lunch. If you would like to attend, please sign up at the bulletin board outside the church office, or email, so the ladies know how much food to prepare.
Community Dinner - Thanksgiving Meal
Community Dinners are an opportunity to put your faith into action by inviting the people in your life to come and enjoy a delicious and affordable meal.
These dinners are also a great way to help welcome new people from the community who are curious about what Cornerstone has to offer. Remember, when you bring a first-time guest, both you and they receive a free dessert.
This Wednesday’s menu features a THANKSGIVING DINNER of Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, and Bread. Open to the public, come anytime from 5 to 6:15p. Desserts and carryout are available, and the best part is you won’t have to cook or clean up!
Today is the deadline to reserve your meals for this Wednesday. Visit or stop by the table in the lobby after worship to sign up.
Women Growing Together in Faith
The Growing in Faith Together group have begun a new bible study on Galatians using Zoom. This women’s group meets on Monday nights from 6:30 to 8p and includes women from across the nation. If you haven’t joined already, no problem! You can join and start the study at any time.
All women are welcome and there are no fees to participate. If you’re new to Zoom, help will be provided. To participate, sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office or email
The Food Pantry is helping local families in need get ready for Christmas, and they need your help! If you would like to take the opportunity to bless a family this Christmas Season, please be sure to pick-up a form off the metal rack in the Zumwalt Cafe.
The forms will be available for the next several weeks. All forms must be completed and returned by November 17. Those who have completed a form will receive information about the family they've adopted, along with instructions, by November 25.
Please prayerfully consider taking part in this beautiful opportunity. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Terri Mendenhall, the church office, or email
All Saints Sunday
During worship services this Sun., Nov. 3, Cornerstone UMC will remember those members and others whom we have lost this past year. All Saints Sunday is an opportunity to give thanks for those who have gone before us in the faith. It is a time to celebrate our history, what United Methodists call the tradition of the church.
From the early days of Christianity, there is a sense that the Church consists of not only all living believers, but also all who have gone before us. For example, in Hebrews 12 the author encourages Christians to remember that a "great cloud of witnesses" surrounds us encouraging us, cheering us on.
On All Saints Day we can remember all those who are part of the "communion of saints" we confess whenever we recite The Apostles' Creed. These memories teach us how God has provided for us through the generosity and sacrifice of those who have come before us. The stories of the saints encourage us to be all God has created us to be.
Please join us for this special worship service at 9a Classic worship or 10:30a Modern worship. If you're not able to join us in person, please join us online at
Plan Your 2025 Discipleship Goals
The 2025 Discipleship Guide offers practical ways to be more deeply rooted in faith through the spiritual practices of prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Copies are available in the church lobby if you don't already have one. If you consider Cornerstone UMC to be your church home, please take 15 minutes to read your Discipleship Guide!
Get Ready for Discipleship Sunday – October 27th!
Use the back page of your Discipleship Guide this coming week to set personal faith goals for the year ahead. Research shows that creating a plan with written goals greatly increases the likelihood of progress and success.
On Sunday, October 27, every household of Cornerstone UMC should bring their 2025 Discipleship Goals to worship. Together, we’ll offer our goals to God during the 9a and 10:30a worship services. Those who participate in bringing their 2025 goals will also receive a special gift from the Holy Land.
Regardless of your stage of life, may the Holy Spirit inspire you with a desire to grow in faith and discipleship so Cornerstone UMC may become more deeply rooted in the love and grace of God in 2025!
Community Dinner
Community Dinners are an opportunity to put your faith into action by inviting the people in your life to come and enjoy a delicious and affordable meal.
These dinners are also a great way to help welcome new people from the community who are curious about what Cornerstone has to offer.
If you’ve never been to a Community Dinner on Wednesday nights, it’s time to come and experience for yourself what God is doing through this amazing ministry!
And if you’re a regular at Community Dinners, why not share this experience with someone else by bringing a new person with you? When you bring a first-time guest, both you and they receive a free dessert.
This Wednesday’s menu features BEEF TIPS, NOODLES, CHARRED CORN & BREAD. Open to the public, come anytime from 5 to 6:15p. Desserts and carryout are available, and the best part is you won’t have to cook or clean up!
Today is the deadline to reserve your meals for this Wednesday. Visit or stop by the table in the lobby after worship to sign up.
Pumpkin Patch
Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join you for a visit to the Cornerstone UMC Pumpkin Patch! You’ll be able to choose from our wide variety of gorgeous pumpkins and interesting gourds.
Volunteers will be selling daily from 11a-8p, now through Thursday, October 31.
We hope you'll stop by!
Fall Church Town Hall Meeting
Fall Church Town Hall
Cornerstone UMC will hold a town hall gathering on Monday, Sept. 23 at 6:30p to share ministry updates and answer questions. This is an opportunity for you to learn about what’s happening in the life of our faith community from representatives of the simplified Leadership Board.
Panelists will include:
Gil Nichols - Leadership Board Chair
Carol Weaver – Lay Leader
Jeff Wright – Staff Parish Lead
Bev Todd – Trustee Lead
Jeff Hamilton – Finance Lead
Rev. Jim Peich – Lead Pastor
Please RSVP by emailing or sign-up on the bulletin board outside the church lobby.
Trivia Night
The United Methodist Men will host Trivia Night on Saturday, September 14 at 5:30pm in the Sanctuary at Cornerstone UMC. Doors will open at 5pm. Tickets for this event can be purchased at the door for $15 per person.
The UMM will provide soda and water, and all are welcome to bring their own snacks. There will also be a Chili Contest! Make your best batch and be sure to bring enough to share with your fellow contestants!
Sign up at the bulletin board outside the church office, or email Tickets can be purchased at the door. Proceeds from Trivia Night will benefit the Pavilion Fund.
Monday Ladies Bible Study
The Monday Ladies Bible Study will begin their next session on Monday, September 9 at 10am in the Fellowship Hall at Cornerstone UMC. This amazing group of ladies offer strength, comfort, and support to one another as they pray and study the word of God.
The material to be used this year is the Upper Room. Each participant is asked to donate $1 to for their Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide, which can be picked up at the media rack, or on the first day of the bible study.
If you’re interested in joining these ladies every Monday at 10am, or if you have any questions, sign up at the bulletin board outside the church office, or email
Confirmation 2024-25
Cornerstone UMC will launch a new confirmation class on Wednesday nights for students in 7th through 12 grades beginning September 4th. Confirmation is an opportunity for young people to explore the Christian faith alongside other youth in a fun, relevant, and engaging way. Together, students discover what it means to be “rooted in faith”.
Upon completion of this 16-week program, youth will have the opportunity to be confirmed and become new members of Cornerstone UMC. Parents should enroll their student online and plan to attend the parent orientation on Sunday, Aug. 18th following worship. For complete details, including a confirmation program schedule, and to register your student, visit
First Aid, CPR, & AED Training and Certification
Interested in becoming First Aid, CPR, and AED trained? Cornerstone UMC will host an Adult and Pediatric First Aid, CPR, and AED training and certification class on Saturday, August 24 from 10a-1p in the Fellowship Hall.
There is no charge for the class, but the Red Cross charges $38 for official certification following course completion. There is limited availability, so sign-up now to reserve your spot! You can sign up at the bulletin board outside the church office, or email The deadline to sign up is Sunday, August 18.
United Methodist Men's Monthly Meeting
The United Methodist Men will gather for their monthly meeting on Saturday, Aug. 24 at 8a in the Fellowship Hall.
If you haven't attended a UMM meeting previously, we encourage you to come see what the guys are up to this fall! This is a great group of guys, doing wonderful things for the church and the community.
Women Growing Together in Faith Virtual Bible Study
Women Growing Together in Faith Virtual Bible Study
Ladies, are you looking for a Bible study you can do online from the comfort and ease of your home? Women Growing Together in Faith is a strong, supportive group of women from across the country, meeting on Monday evenings via Zoom.
These ladies are getting ready to begin their upcoming study, digging into the book of Romans. This study will start on Monday, August 19. From 6:30-7p is sign-on and prayer request time, followed by the study from 7-8p.
You can join this group and start the study at anytime. Email questions to, or to get connected with this bible study.
Not familiar with using Zoom? No problem! When you sign up, someone can help guide you through the process.
Welcome FZN Students Back to School
On Monday, August 19, the students and staff of Fort Zumwalt North High School will begin a new school year. This is an opportunity for the people of Cornerstone UMC to gather again on the sidewalk in front of the church to wave and cheer as families and buses arrive for their first day of school.
Please join us from 6:45 to 7:30am that Monday as we remind students, families, and staff that they are loved and supported by the people of Cornerstone UMC! Pastor Jim will also provide donuts that morning. No registration needed, just show up at 6:45am ready to smile and wave!
Aging Comfortably
The United Women in Faith will host a special guest speaker who will discuss the important topic of Aging Comfortably. The speaker will offer insights on resources and services available in St. Charles County to help seniors remain in their homes as they age.
This meeting will also include valuable information on caring for caregivers. This portion of the meeting will focus on helping those that care for individuals who are sick or aging. You won't want to miss this event! Please be sure to invite others that could benefit from this information.
The meeting will be held at Cornerstone UMC on Thursday, August 15 at 1p in the Zumwalt Café. All are welcome to attend and refreshments will be provided. If you have any questions or would like more information, please email
Bunco Night
All adults are invited to join the United Women in Faith for Bunco Night! You can join the fun on Thursday, July 18 beginning at 6pm in the Zumwalt Café.
The cost to play is $10 with proceeds benefiting the United Women of Faith, their projects, and those they serve around the community, as well as the church.
For more information or to sign-up, email You can also sign-up at the bulletin board outside the church office.
Community Cookout
Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy a summer Community Cookout on the front yard of Cornerstone United Methodist Church on Sunday, July 14 from Noon to 3p. This casual event is open to the public and will include FREE hot dogs, beans, chips, beverages, and more.
Children and families will be able to enjoy an awesome bounce house and fun yard games during the cookout.
All are invited to bring a dessert to share in a disposable container and any yard games you enjoy playing.
If you have a pop-up canopy that we can borrow that afternoon, please bring it with you as well.
Cornerstone United Methodist Church is a growing multi-generational community of faith where all people are welcomed and loved. The church is located across the street from Fort Zumwalt North High School in O’Fallon, Missouri.
Email questions to:
Vacation Bible School
VBS Theme: "God's BIG Backyard"
July 8-11, 2024 | 9a to Noon
We are so excited for your child or granchild to experience Vacation Bible School this summer! During this exciting and fun-filled week, young "campers" will learn about helping others.
Through music, crafts, stories, outdoor games, and other activities, kids will explore ways they can serve family, friends, neighbors, community, and Jesus.
Potty-trained 4-year olds through incoming 5th graders are encouraged to attend!
Scholarships are available if you are unable to afford the fee and can be requested confidentially by emailing