Our Service
We are Called to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus
The Bible teaches that faith without action is of little use. As recipients of God’s unconditional love and grace, we have a responsibility to help others, especially those who are unable to help themselves. When we volunteer our time to serve others, we follow the example of Jesus.
You Are the Church!
When you serve, the Church serves…
When you reach out, the Church reaches out…
When you give, the Church gives…
When you love, the Church loves…
And when you don’t, the Church doesn’t…
“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.”
Every Person in Ministry
There are many opportunities to serve on Sunday mornings as well as during the week. Use Cornerstone UMC’s “Every Person in Ministry” guide to help you choose how you will serve. Paper copies are also available in the church lobby.
Create Your Discipleship Plan
Use our covenient online guide to create your own personalized Discipleship Plan.