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Birdhouses for PETs Sale

Birdhouse Collage.jpg

On September 27th, before and after the Parking Lot Service, The United Methodist Men will hold a “Birdhouses for PETs” sale to raise money for the Pet Project (Mobility Worldwide).

The birdhouses and nesting boxes will be displayed on the fence surrounding the old “Preschool Playground” opposite the shed on the northeast corner of the church property. (Please observe social distancing protocol).

In both 2018 and 2019 the UMM produced enough parts to make 70 carts per year and despite the pandemic, the UMM have made 35 more in 2020.

All donations will be used by the UMM to purchase additional cart material.

If you’d like to be included in the next Pet Workday, please contact Dave Fleming or Jarrod Grant.

September 20

Cornerstone Virtual Sunday

September 27

Cornerstone Drive-In Worship