During the month of March, the United Women in Faith are collecting jewelry and craft supplies for the crafters of Monarch Jewelry. These talented crafters make new jewelry and decorations, complete with tags to sell.
All proceeds go to Crisis Aid International. This vital organization provides safe housing and recovery programs for victims of sex trafficking in the greater St. Louis area.
The following supplies are needed:
New, Old, or Broken Jewelry and Watches
Wood Beads and Glass Beads
Stones of all shapes, sizes, and colors
Drawer Pulls and Knobs
Silver Plated Flatware
Unused Wire Ribbon
Unused Fabric (larger than 8X8}
Jewelry Making Tools and Supplies
Stamping Supplies, Stamps, Ink Pads
Card Stock, Stickers, and Card Making Embellishments
All donations can be placed in the basket in the Lobby during the month of March at Cornerstone UMC. If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Sara Denother or email info@csofallon.org.