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In-Person Live Modern Worship

In-Person Worship February (1).jpg

We will offer a Classic Worship service at 9 am and a Modern Worship service at 10:30 am with live music and a live message from Dr. Mike. Services will be at a limited capacity of 30 people and will require reservations, wearing masks at all times while in the building, and social distancing of 6 ft from other families.

On the Monday evening BEFORE the upcoming Sunday service, you will receive an emailed link to RSVP. Registration will be limited to 30 people per service and will be on a "first come, first serve" basis. If you have not provided your email to us, please click here:, fill out the information, and click submit. The first RSVP link will be sent out on Monday evening, February 8.

—> IMPORTANT! Once you have registered for a service, you will receive a confirmation email which will serve as your "ticket" to attend. You will need to print the confirmation or show it on your phone at the door.

--> If you need to cancel your reservation for any reason, simply click on the cancel registration button at the bottom of your confirmation email.

February 21

Cornerstone Virtual Sunday

February 24

Reclaimed Bible Study